About Us
The General Nursing Council for Dominica (GNCD) is a statutory body established by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica in 1952 under the Nurse Registration Act Chap: 152, to regulate and control the professions of nursing and midwifery in Dominica. The Act confers upon it the power to set the standards of education, training, and conduct that nurses and midwives need to deliver high-quality healthcare consistently throughout their careers.
The Council is appointed by the Minister for Health every two years. The primary objective of the Council is to protect the public’s health and wellbeing by ensuring that safe and competent nursing and midwifery care is provided by licensed nurses and midwives. The Council also has the responsibility to register and enroll nurses and establish fair processes to investigate allegations made against nurses and midwives who may not have followed the Code.

To promote professional excellence and contribute to protection of the health and safety of the Dominican public, through the implementation of sustainable and robust regulatory policies and standards for nursing and midwifery education, practice, and licensure.

To ensure that everyone in Dominica can live a healthier life supported by competent nurses providing quality care and promoting health equity and well-being.

Our Values
We strive for excellence and a high level of professionalism in all we do. DNC upholds ethical principles and demonstrates these in all interactions towards the public good.
We are accountable to the public as we act in the best interests of those we serve. We are accountable to our internal and external stakeholders by upholding the Acts and Regulations for the nursing profession.
We are fair and act with integrity in setting and applying standards.
We are collaborative, engaging all stakeholders in our work.
We operate with honesty and openness.
We are effective, setting and maintaining high standards for efficiency and service.
We take cognizance of rapid scientific and technological changes and proactively and appropriately respond to these changes.
What We Do
In our role as the regulator for the professions of nursing and midwifery, and in fulfilling our mission, we:
- Maintain the register and roll of nurses and midwives in Dominica
- Set educational standards for nurses and midwives
- Promote lifelong learning for professionals
- Investigate professional misconduct
- Advise the government and public on nursing matters

Our Logo
The logo of the Dominica Nursing Council features the map of the Commonwealth of Dominica, with a stethoscope, which is a universal symbol used by healthcare professionals; and the oil lamp, reminiscent of Florence Nightingale and nursing worldwide, held in caring hands. The ECG symbolizes heart health, and red represents healing. The colors black, red, green, white, and gold reflect the colors of our national flag.